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What I Saved on Reddit and Perhaps Why
Like any good Redditor, I have created many usernames. I tend to use one main account as my “Ryu in Street Fighter”, the account that doesn’t have any particular nuance or purpose but serves as an everyday workhorse. Then I got locked out of Ryu. I had to create a new Ryu. Gone with him were also five years of saved content.
On this new account, I’ve already saved a daunting amount of posts. Below, a sampling:
r/flexibility “Get More Hip Mobility and Decrease The Hip Pinch”
This video could help me out a lot if I were to watch it and do it. When I’m driving long distances, my hip flexors get tight, then my lower back gets tight, then I pull over for some lunges and eat a Cheesewich. The thumbnail looks like a guy tied to a fence, though, which might also be why I saved it.
r/reverseanimalrescue “U.S. coast guards force illegal Mexican dog to swim back to where it came from”
This video? I did watch. It didn’t help me out a lot. Or a little. But the extra effort of adding stupid captions to go with the news story kind of gave it the vibe of a masterpiece.
r/CARS “How do I slide across my hood like in the movies?”
I gave this post gold. It won’t help me, I’m already great at hood sliding, but look at all that detail. You can tell this guy fucks with sliding across hoods.
R/RuPaulsDragRace “Everybirdy vs. Mimi Imfurst and it's the best I've ever seen”
Might not be the best. But what I love about the original fight, which was the stuff of RPDR legend, is that my dislike of Mimi made it a full-on pleasure to watch. It didn’t bother me in the slightest that she was outnumbered 10 to 1. (I don’t count Tammie Brown because Tammie is Team Mars. ) This particular fight is why I own All Stars S1 on DVD.
R/marketing “How do Seth Godin’s communities in the Marketing Seminar and AltMBA compare to those here on reddit?”
If you have anything to do with marketing, good luck getting away from Seth Godin. I subscribed to his itty-bitty newsletter a few years back because, hey, he’s an erudite-looking motherfucker. The reddit consensus confirmed what I suspected about ALTMBA and the Godin oeuvre.
R/books “Hullo Reddit. Hullo people of r/books I'm Neil Gaiman and I write stuff. Mostly, I write stories. AMA”
I saved a few posts from this thread, but the porridge recipe is the most useful-to-my-life save. Two kinds of oats, though? Hm. My gut reaction: I’d rather just buy the wild rice porridge from Hell’s Kitchen. But! I might cook someday. then I’ll do the goth girl thing and only cook Neil Gaiman recipes.
r/Oldschoolcool “1967 - Marvin Gaye's "Heard It Through The Grapevine" - Acapella - original recording with music & background vocals removed. [Sound on for shivers]”
R/OSC is usually photos of users’ grandparents looking foxy or foxy celebrities looking even foxier. I personally enjoy going down reddit-y music wormholes. Reddit loves Marvin Gaye almost as much as it loves Bill Withers. Reddit loves the shit out of Bill withers.
I’ve saved many more posts, mostly about philosophy, lots of wisdom from marcus aurelius, and of course how to get gainz.